Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

1 month Hiatus!

Posted in

Omg! I just realised that i haven't been blogging for over 1 month now! Well, i want to update my blog but my damn pc now in hospital. Now i'm stuck using hp, which kinda slow & limited text space. Oh i wish blogger will set up a sms number for brunei soon! That way i can blog on the go by just sending sms to blogger. I think Microblogging is kinda interesting. Hahahaha
(Just discovered micro blogging today!) Xp

Will update as soon as my pc have recovered! I got lots and lots of topic to blog about, since lots of things happen for the past few weeks and i cant do it in my hp.

Hope that my pc gets better soon!


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