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Boys Before Flower Episode 16

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I already finished watching BBF eps 16. I really like this episode cuz there a lot of yi jung x ga eul scene... =) i really like them both.. they make a cute couple..

anyway kinda notice that both ji hoo and yi jung have their hair cut short... but still both of them still look pretty.... Lol

and i also love the binoculars that jan di use to spy on yi jung and ga eul. It looks cool... aha. I hope that the sold it here.

In this episode jae kyung is really annoying, she even sleep in jandi's home without consulting her first... But she still looks cute.. >_<

I HATE Jun Pyo's mom! She's a total b***h ( have to censored aha). but she's really a good actor, she makes me really hate her and belive that she's evil :)

The part that i really laughed about is that jun pyo's sensitive spot is his ear. hahaha. that's cute +)
Hope that Ji hoo and his grandpa will forgive each other.. it's kinda sad to see family fight..

I can't wait for the next episode next week. It's so long bah but I have to be patient.... XP


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