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Jublee Perak 25th National Day 2009

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Hi y'all!

I finally finish editing my blog! (i think, aha) although there are some that need to be edited, I just leave it and edited them when i feel like it. ( How lazy, huh? =P) I have no experience in blogging (first timer!) & just don't sleep when u read my blog.... LoL

Anyway, yesterday's national day was fun. i got to watch the celebration at the stadium ( I was FORCED by my mom) but it was worth it (thanks mom!).
I went there with all my family, including my grandma and my amit... All of them were really excited (semangat patriotik konon la).... aha
I took a lot of pictures of the event using my NEW camera... finally got to use it... maybe i'll upload them at facebook later...

For lunch, my grandma treat all of us to Minah Ariff Restaurant ( I don't know if i got the name right =) )... I wanted to order spaghetti but spaghetti habis, so I order nasi ayam instead... I was looking forward to eat spaghetti :'(

After lunch, we went to the mall to shop (duh, what else we go there for? :p). btw, i got myself a new haircut! i got it cut at IA salon... it was really short and i like it.... I kinda miss my long hair though... haha.. btw thanks Melvin for the haircut (the haidresser's name)

My cool look... ahahaha X)

Under the rain... =)

Finally after long strolling at the mall i went home and go straight to bed......

Not bad huh for my first official post.... haha

Nazreen 1810

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