Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Just another random post

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Hey y'all!

Haven't got time to update this blog anymore (even though it's the school holiday).
And this blog is pretty much dead until right now.

And here I am, blogging, around 3 am in the morning, BECAUSE I CAN"T SLEEP! (and bored, i might add)

The internet connection have been crappy lately, the only time it will go fast is around now till like, 10 am.
I think it's a waste of money to pay $60 per month just to get a not-so-good internet connection.
I hope that it will be faster soon. I heard that there have been some renovation around, connecting more optical fiber, and connecting through Singapore and other SEA countries.
Basically, more faster connection (I hope)
I am a man with needs, and for me, that needs are downloading stuff (that's one way I release stress)

Well, I was thinking of making a top list post on my next post to list out my top lists of 2009.(If it makes sense to you readers that is ;D)
Oh, how the time goes by really fast these days~

Well, night then!

p/s I think I'm not enjoying this holiday really much and I'm gonna gain weight again when the school re-opens

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