Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^


Boredom can't make you sleep or make you feel sleepy.

I so have to adjust my sleeping habits ASAP.
It's going to take a toll during school times.

I MISS SCHOOL! hahaha, crazy right?
I think that during school period, doing nothing is far more reasonable thing to do than during holidays.

BTW, cheers to my new layout.
It's still frustrates me though to fix the twitter Icon at the top.
And all my links HILANG.
Humph, have to relink back again.
Make me regret in remodeling the blog.

I miss my friends at school!


p/s mental list is done, now to make it physical XD

8 day till 2010
11 days to $#^@@&

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