Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Hey y'all!

School starts yesterday (12.00 a.m now) and I am so misses school very much.
2 weeks + 1 week extension holiday sure make my brain freeze.
I can even stop yawning once in every class that I had.
I think it's due to the irregular sleeping pattern.
And I still cannot adjust my eyes to sleep early, so here I am, blogging and surfing Internet (sneakily, since my mom doesn't approve of late sleepers)

Well school was fun today.
Im bully me all day, I bully people all day, hang out with friends, etc.
Mahn, I sure miss my friends.
True, I still in contact with them during the holidays (online, plurk, facebook, etc) but it sure doesn't beat talking and chatting with them in person.

AND I miss all my friends & classmates that already leave SMSA, like Zerah, Astrie, Mirza, Najiah, Amirul, ...
It feels boring without them today. The classroom fill quite empty I think. (Oh no, I smell Emo viruses!)
But I still wish that you guy will do well there!
(but i still miss them very much!)


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