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It's a Dull Monday!

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Hey y'all!

Just want to make a quick post about last week & today.

Last Week:
The school started.
I download a lot of songs on Friday (downloading it like crazy with my friends)
Self-proclaimed K-Pop addict (for now)
Just realize something important last week, which I already realize earlier (around march) but forgotten it.
Had a horrible Maths test on Saturday.
Hate level at Mr Cat increases (even though he's only my homeroom teacher, aha) because of the 'chemist' correction. Puuh! How annoying! X_X
Have mood swing this past few days.
I got the position 11 on the overall maths result for the entire sets.
Still sleeping in the afternoon even though I don't want to.
Think something awful, but important this past few days.
And also think of good stuff, aha
And also thinking about my friendship status.
There will be a Physics test on this Thursday, which will be included 25% of the End-Of-Year. T_T
Love school, even though my friends hate it ;D
NO HOMEWORK in the weekend!
*Gossip with the PS 1 mates about the student ranking list. Apparently, someone have made a list of ranking of the boys & girls in Pre U1 (or PreU2 included? not sure). Not sure if it is true or not. The person who ranked No. 1 is considered to be the hottest in school. so as the list go down, the less hot the person (hahahaha! LMAO) Frankly speaking, in the curiosity part of my brain (just a tiny one), I wanted to look (or at least a peak) at the list. hahahaha XD

Today, 13/7,
Got my test result back. Got 58%. so have to do 10 times corrections. Damn!
Sikit to lagi ke 60%, kalau aku inda banyak buat careless mistakes! aha
Felt tired like hell!
Listen to His Majesty's Titah ( I listen it from A to Z, kali la)
Got tonnes of homework. Maseh tinggal Chemist, which I still don't get (it's about equilibria)
No record-signing (said my gp teacher) for the mid-year due to the H1N1 virus outbreak.

Sorry for the simple post, I'm too lazy to type this day due to lack of Brain Juice. ahaha
Right now, waiting for True Blood & Hung to finish download.
Hope that it'll complete by this morning, so that I can watch it during the afternoon since no GP (yay!)



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