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It's July!

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Hey y'all!

Long time no see!
Finally got the mood to blog (and c alip nyuruh aku update tadi hahaha)

Btw, to im, ane link for the pics masa tane lepak arah rumah nini amal BULAN LAPAS!
(I know, sorry for the LONGGGGG delay. baru ada mood kan mengupload tadi XD)

Lepak arah rumah nini Amal 08.06.09

Anyway, back to the main topic.
I really don't realize that It's already July!
Time sure do fly really fast now.
Well the good thing is: It's one month less to September!
I really cannot wait for all the new seasons of TV show and anime esp. Fairy tail, the Higly anticipated anime of the year! I'm soo excited!

On the other hand, It's one month less till the AS Level.
I still not sure if I feel excited (;P) or scared... hahaha!

I could say that that this school holiday is the most busiest holiday that I had this past few years (Well, except Hari Raya holidays. It's the only holiday where It's is a must to get busy XD)
I usually don't pump myself up during holidays.
But with all the events (amit ku kahwin) and party (BBQ & live band ;D), it sure put a momorable memories in my holidays!

Oh yeah, we had a BBQ last week at Im's house last week.
It was DA-BOMB!
I could say that you Im make a fine party host! hahaha
The only bad thing is that I don't have my camera that time.
I lend it to my sister who is going to labuan (Why did i have to play nice to my siblings during that time, nyasal ku eh!)
Hahaha but it was still fun.

And a lot of my friends are going to leave us pretty soon (I mean, pindah skulah)
Zerah, who moved to MTSSR bandar to take Computer Engineering (I think the class started yesterday)
Zyan, who will take the OTPS course (ngam ka?) and I'm sure that you'll get it! amin~~
Aizu, who will going to UK after the medical check (which you will totally pass! amin~~ and I think around september)
Jiah, Amril & Astrie, who moved to MKJB to take ICE.
And also my new friends, like Arbe, Amirul, Dillah, who will also move to technical schools...

I hope that you guys will be successful there.
And eventhough We are apart, We will stay friend FOREVER!
AND I'm SURE of it!
(Haha, I'm am sooo emo now! XD)

Well that's all for now,
I think I'll blog more fun cherio stuff later (as you can see, the post is a bit emo, hahaha)

Peace Out!


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