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Green Arrow! :D

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OMG! The bow is so freakin' cool! XD

Hey y'all!

Green Arrow is sooooo cool! (I sound geeky! XP)
The Bow is SO DAMN COOL!
And the shade and the costume!

I know is kinda lame, but hey, I'm bored and does not like I'm going to bed soon XD

I was bored, after watching House on AXN (which was a terrific episode by the way) so I google Smalville and other stuff like porn (nada lah! hahaha Xp) but mostly TV shows.
I just started watching Smallvile Season 6 on TV3.
I know that I was was behind the track.
I'm so lazy to download (and limited hard drive) so I just wait for the TV ones instead.

So as I was saying, I was goggling TV shows that I found a very cool picture of Green Arrow with THE COOLEST AND THE MOST AWESOME BOW that I have ever seen.
Btw, does a bow like that even exist?
If Yes, I'm totally sure to buy one!
I Love Bows!
and the costume is so cool with a hood and the shades too!
(Alright~~ Now I sound 100% like a pure, hardcore geek XD)
I's sooo LOVE Bows! :D
Yay Me!!!

So I decided to put some of the cool pictures on my blog.
Just want to make my eyes sleepy, that's all. Xp

If I was given an oppurtunity to learn Archery, I will surely 10000000000% grab it!
I will buy lots of bows (and gadgets) when I got tons of money in my pocket!

I'm officially a big fan of Green Arrow!
Next time, I'll put Archer (anime character from Fate/Stay Night & my favourite btw) into my blog.
The graphics & drawings are DA-BOMB!

*Add two new picture, both of them show the MAGNIFICENT bow!
Isn't cool? hahahaha
Just found out that the name of the Bow is PSE MOJO
If I got time, I'll post pictures of the Bow including the price (if i can find them)

NiteNite (or should i say morning?)


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