Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^


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Hey y'all!

I know that I haven't update this blog for a while due to MANY reasons.
Busy revising;
Plurk-ing (my mew obsession now, you guys should try it!)
And bal bal bla~~
(In my imagination, the list is ongoing around and around)

I'm 'MAYBE' gonna be in active for this next few weeks due to Mid-Year Exam From 26th May to 8th June.
If I'm weak enough (no self-restrain, I mean) I may update it during the empty slots, since I only have 4 exam slots & I have two weeks of duration.
I have lots to blog about.
and have many topics that I want to post!

Well, wish me good luck on this Mid-Year Exam!
Hope that I got high marks in this exam
Now, for A' levels, you must not target just PASS but must set your target HIGH!

To all Pre-U1 SMSAians, Good Luck!
And Let's do our best!

Aza, Aza Fighting!
(cute me-2-you bear huh? I was thinking of putting something more "stimulating", If you know what i mean XD)


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