Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Cannot think of a title.... XD

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Hey y'all!

Its Sunday~~~ *singing tone*
Got lots of homework ( as usual, sigh~) but only Maths
Try to persuade myself to release my "Inner Maths" XD

Yesterday, got three empty sets (including PS) in the morning!
Cuz there is a student best award in the hall, so all the teacher (mostly secondary) are buzy.
Just lepak-lepak with my friends.
But got Physics at the last set got Physics :(
Kinda spoil the fun...
Just do a simple classwork (for me not that simple lah, LOL)

AAC got sports day yesterday.
Most of my friends go to seria execpt me cuz I got Maths class till 3pm :'(
They all have a really good time, which make me sooooo jealous!
I wish I could go yesterday!
They try to show off by posting the pictures of them having fun in thier blogs...
I HATE Y'ALL!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ( nada la, joking je, LOL)

Next time, I'll surely go! hahaha

That's all I think, now i just going to do my homework..
Hope that I can finish it before night time..
(with all this distractions, inter & internet XP, it seem kinda impossible! XDDDD)


p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here) & link/comment my blog too if u like ^^

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