Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Hey y'all!

Yesterday, the hotness level totally increased to the max!
My Chem teacher said that yesterday was even hotter than the sports day last thursday (totally agreed!)

Got a chem test yesterday.
It was okay i guess... one or two questions that I didn't answer. aha
The result for the Physics topical test were out too. I got 10/14. I thought i was going to fail... I'm totally reliefed... Fuhhh~~~

The heavy rain & thunderstorm was really frightening yesterday afternoon.
It was totally intense..
Luckilly I was still asleep so I didn't care much about it.

Also watch Gossip Girl from episode 14 to 2o. God, that was totally long, but I think i'm might start to like the show again. aha

I just finished doing my maths homework. There were lots of them. At first, i only think there will be 2 - 3 questions only, but It was more than 20.. My hands are sore writing all the answers =(

Im asked me to hear the Jai Ho song (from slumdog millionaire) & i have to say the song is really catchy, so i tarus download both main and remix version.
Thanks Im! ^^

Since I finished all my homeworks, I think I MIGHT do my GP article (50-50 chances, aha)

p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here) & link my blog too if u like ^^

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