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Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Happy-Go Lucky

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Hey y'all!

It's Thursday, meaning esuk inda skulah! Yay! Finally got time to update my blog, since i was super BUZY & super TIRED this past few days... And today got lot's of homeworks! ~.~

On Monday, watch debate with Im, Zyan, Leon, Diyana & Veron. Watch PTE vs Maktab Sains. Totally loike the debate! It's was intense, I tell you. Duran c Im & Zyan said that one of the debater is the me-clone! jahat durang ah~~~ XD

On Tuesday, ada urg kacau my friends. That B***h is so totally a s**t! Sudah minta maaf, adakah patut dibasar2kan hal tu... so immature, ulah macam kanak2..

On Wednesday, got physics test. it was okay, but i think I got the formulas wrong.. aha.. That day was sooooo cool & breezy! Love it (Y)

Today, I got GP & Chem class canceled. Gembiranya saya.. But I was looking forward to the practical today ~.~
Got my Physic test result. got 9/10. Alhamdulillah....
One of my friends semms to be moody/not in the mood today.I hope that u can get back to ur old self soon!

And also today is my new friend, Alif's 18th birthday!

Hope that u will be sucess always & can overcome any obstacle in the future...
Buleh apply lesen ne... buleh minta bawa jalan2... aha

Sori lep, aku ambil gambar mu from ur facebook, aha, XD

And (majal and nya, aha) CONGRATULATIONS! also to Alif, Im, Radin, Shakri, Fifi, Amirul, Ishan, Nasrul, Leon, Matius, Asyura, Rajazre & Faris for the appointment of MPP/Prefacts!
Especailly Radni, the new head of MPP, Congratulation! Just don' misuse ur power la, XDDDD
and try make the scholl into a better place!

Yay, today's Supernatural day! Going to download it as soon as it's up.
And also Naruto & Bleach will be uploaded today or tommorow... *EXCITED*
Now, I'm going to continue reading Beat Skip! (loveeee this manga!)

Peace Out Yo!

p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here) & link/comment my blog too if u like ^^

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