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SMSA 5th Sports Day

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Hey y'all!

Yesterday was HOT. I mean literally. LOL
SMSA 5th sports day was held at Mumong Sports Complex yesterday.
The weather keep changing yesterday, skajap berangin, skajap panas.

Didn't participate in an event (kaki bangku, aha)
Just cheering & hanging out with friends.
I think I got sunburn... T_T
And i step on a nail, which is totally hurt... Nasib inda dalam... Fuhh~

To Im: inda ku tau eh ada urang cari pasal sama ko. Cuba tunjukkan aku eh. Biar ku ajar ea... Cabut saja lehernya, inda ea dpt batuk lagi :D
To Zyan: Kesian... (u noe what i mean, ahaha XD)

After the event (went home around 12) tarus went to sleep.
Woke up around 6.15 pm
and sleep at 4 am today.
Damn, i really have to control my online time... aha

Right now, I'm watching Gossip girl (finally got time to watch)
I've been downloading the episode but haven't watch it yet..
Currently waiting for Supernatural. Can't wait!
and also waiting for new chapters of Bleach & Naruto.

I think i gonna have Chem test tomorrow since last wednesday class was canceled.
And i haven't started my GP News presentation..... T_T
Oh well, just have to do it after Sembahyang Jumaat later! ^^

p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here) & link my blog too if u like ^^

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