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batah inda ku update....

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Hey y'all!

uh, haven't got time to update this blog...
very busy with homeworks
Finally got time today since Chem class was canceled, Yay!
So just wanna update from last week

Last Saturday. went to Escapade with Azim, Fahmii, Sharon, Mei Jun & Angel.
Our ex Chem AAC teacher, ms Joanne, treat us to go for sushi for our excellent result ^^
Eat a lot that sushi that day.
The sushi is delicious!^^
and after we finished our lunch, me and the gang saw the most disturbing sight!
Two monkeys were doing ###. (censored, aha)
Damn, i laughed a lot! Haha!

This week, was pretty okay, i guess.
2nd term of school starts last monday.
As usual, the teachers pile us up with lots of homeworks.. T_T
Have two test. I think i did ok la...
but today's Chem test was canceled, so i was like totally relieved.. ^^v

Anyway, watched the final two episode of BBF just now. Damn, I REALLY hate that Yu Mi b***h. She's a liar and a total bastard! What do u think guys? agreed? Well I kinda hope that there will be more ending to it though...
Read from a blog that there will be a special episode of BBF airing next week. I don't know if it's true, maybe just rumours only..

Right now I'm downloading new episode of Gossip Girl & Heroes. Hope that it will finish soon, so seeders, DO YOUR PART! ^^

Tomorrow got sports day. Have to remeber to bring a cap or I'll be sunburned. I'm not participating though, just cheering. aha


p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here) & link my blog too if u like ^^

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