Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Worries & More Worries but some happy moments!

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Hey y'all!

Weekend! ah~~~
Finally got time to update, been sooooo tired in this past few days.
Use a lot of my brain power to think. XD

Oh yeah, I finally decided to take my AS Level this year! (after thinking it a lot & HARD)
And I took Physics, Chemistry & Maths. it's basically all subject except GP.
If I got all a's in my AS papers, i don't have to sit for it NEXT YEAR, which totally save my neck.
Hope that I'll got REALLY EXCELLENT (A, A, and A'sssssss!) results this year.
Less stress for next year.
And beside that, IT'S FREE!!! (for yellow ICs only though)
The government sponsor the fees for the AS Level Exam for PRE-U1 only this year.
Don't know why they only do that this year BUT since it is the GOLDEN OPPURTUNITY, we should grab it!

I LOVE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM! *screaming my lungs out*

Now I'm just scared of my sciences papers, because both subject have practicals. The teachers said that we might not have enough practice for the Paper 31/32 papers.
I just have to be optimistic then.. LOL
I CAN DO IT!!!!!

Oh yeah, tomorrow got no NEWS PRESENTATION! YAYYYYYY!
Because not a lot of students pass up this week's one, so as a credit my teacher said:
"No news presentation for those who have pass up this week's one"
Totally super happy! :D

Well that's all that I can think off right now, maklumlah baru bangun..
and my STUPID brother wants to use the internet, so continue later lah.
If I got something, later I'll blog it, at night maybe...

So chow for now!

p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here) & link/comment my blog too if u like ^^

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