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Hanging out at Seria

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Hey y'all!

I had a great time yesterday! Hang out with Hafiz, Faiz, Aziz, Faiz K, Zyan, Ezah, Diane & Im at Seria.

Well, I follow Ezah (since I got no transportation) to Seria, and we pick Zyan from her house.
Then, Ezah mom's dropped us at HSBC.
Hangout at Diane's house first since we planned it on 3 pm but we arrived around 2pm.
Diane's house is spacey, i kinda like her house =)

After 3, when the others had arrived, we went to Arcade first, since Kaizen's not open till 5.30 pm
Play lots of games there.
After a few hours, playing like crazy at the arcade, we went to DQ to get some Ice-Creams.

After that, we went to Kaizen.
Felt excited since it's my first time eating sushis.
We order a party set one.
Like the first sushi that i took (' something' maki, i think. have to find out the name)
I realized that I don't do well with raw fishes.
but the others taste ok.
But I totally like the first one i take! (majal kan)
Not bad for my first try! :D

After the sushi-mania, we went jalan-jalan to plaza, then went back to arcade.
Play until around 7.30 pm
Then went home (ikut c Ezah)

It was totally fun! Next time have to include beach strolling, since we forgot that one yesterday, aha.
Will upload the photos later!

Now, I'm currently downloading Heroes. Seeders, DO YOUR JOB!!! (Aza, aza, fighting!). I'm totally can't wait to see this episode!

p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here). & link my blog to if u like ^^

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