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20th March updates

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Hey y'all!

Finally I have time to post Friday's & Saturday's activities, since I'm super busy & super tired yesterday >.>
Right now, updating the Friday's ones.

My family & I went to dine out last Friday night, since my mom malas to cook.
We ate at the Riviera Cafe, near the sungai one (urg KB mesti tau punya la). Order Spaghetti (since I LOVE pastas!) and Iced Blended Chocolate. It was delicious, but the Spaghetti was a bit pricy.

Then, we went ingredient hunting, since I persuade my mom that I want to make lasagna on Saturday. Luckily most of the ingredients are available at Soon Lee, so we don't have to go to multiple shops.
Saw a misterious person (3 actually, I think) in a car at Soon Lee. That person (all three) was waving at me, so i bluntly wave back. But i can't recognize them, since it was really dark.
At first, thougt that it was Shakri, since that person 'looks' like him, but when I asked Shakri, he said that he was at his grandma's (i think, bad memory).
Freaky! whoever the person was please tell me (if u read this) who u are, since i'm curious to noe, aha.

That's all for Friday's updates!

p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog!

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