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Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

21st Updates

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Hey y'all!

In the morning (tarus-tarus kan), i made lasagna! It's my first try, so I was really hoping that it will turn good. ^^
Can believe that it took me 3 hours to do!

Here some pics of the uncooked completed Lasagna that i took:

Only posted the uncooked ones. ^^
Cuz' after the lasagna's done, me, my bro & sis tarus eat & forget to take the picture of cooked ones.
Only remembered after the lasagna is half-way eaten(tinggal separuh) T.T
Oh, btw, it was delicious! ^^
It was good for my first attempt. Felt really happy!

Afternoon, nothin' much to do. Feel so bored that I decided to do my homeworks! (how lame is that!)
After few hours spending with 'homeworks', I give up and went online.
Happy that my Supernatural download's finally done, so I watch it la (give a review in separate post later)

Well that's all for Saturday weekend, I think.
Hope that I will finished up my homework soon!


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