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Sunday weekend

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Hey y'all!

It's Sunday.
The time where we can sleep till we drop (apa kn? aha)
But woke up early, around 9 am (dikira awal in my standard time zone, aha) by the noise coming from my family (awal-awal sudah buat bising!)

Make a 2nd lasagna (inda pernah puas kan), but this time I added TRIPLE the cheese! Huahaha
Much better than the last one, since I refrigerate the sauce (they say that if u refrigerate any pastas sauce overnight it will taste much better!) and of course LOTS of cheese!

Went jalan-jalan with my family at the beach in the afternoon. Saw lot of people at the beach bring nets to catch 'bubok' since this is the bubok season (here comes the belacans!)
Took some pictures, will upload later at FB, if rajin la...

That's all for my boring sunday weekend.
Tomorrow hangout wif friend at Seria. Can't wait!

p/s: If u read this at Facebook via Notes, fell free to check out my blog if you want to (no forcing here)

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