Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Cannot think of a tiltle!

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Hey y'all!

I've been sick for the past few days (demam, batuk, selesema, sakit perut, sakit kepala, macam2 la!) Rite now all of my sickness are gone except for coughing/batuk... urgh!

Even though i'm sick, there are lots of things that i do. I watched Heroes Volume four Chapter Four. I think the title was "Cold Wars". I found out that this episode is not as interesting as the last few episodes. There were to many flashbacks, and most of the scene is in black and white ( which makes it harder to see) Anyhow I'm looking forward for the next episode next Tuesday. Hope that it will be much better that the previous ones.

My mom and I move the PC into my room at Thursday afternoon. Gosh! It was totally heavy! And at the evening i went to the hospital to collect my medicine. It was freaking COLD there!

I went to AAC at Saturday afternoon to collect my acceptance letter and leaving certificate. They mistype my testimonial letter, so i have to wait for a few more days to collect it.

BTW, esuk skulah. Yay! Hope that i will stay with my old friends & gain new good ones there..

P/S: I can't wait for the new episode of BBF this Tuesday! (majal kan.. aha ^^)

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