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Hey y'all

Today is the start of the school holiday! Yay!
Well just want to update my blog today, since I haven't got enough time to update it on yesterday and last Wednesday.

Wednesday: school was nothin' special. Got general assembly, so no Physics Class. BUT our tutor told us tat we're gonna have afternoon class on Thur, when the fact is that we have cleaning campaign on Thur and went home early (10 am). but later she told us that the afternoon class was cancelled. YES!. The Diagnostic test that My Chem tutor set up for Thur was cancelled, instead she's going to conduct it after the school holidays. NOW, we have two chem test after the holidays! T_T

Watch BBF Episode 21. It was totally awesome! Can't want if JP will actually got married to JK!

Yesterday: Cleaning Campaign at school. Before the cleaning campaign starts, we have to do a small work out sessions. It was really funny and kinda lame bcuz the song played during the workout was really Jiwang. Took a lot of pics.

Read the new chapters of TRC, Naruto & Bleach. and facebook-ing a lot at night.

Well that's all i think for the last few days. Can't wait to watch the new eps of Supernatural. now currently downloading.

I got three test after the school reopens (must study T.T) Two Physics test (topical & diagnostic re-test) and Physics, which I just remembered that We have one! (thanks Alif for mentioning it. Klau inda tantu inda ku blajar, aha)

I can't think of any activities that I can do during this short school holidays. maybe I'll just do my homeworks & go online.


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