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Just updating...

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Hey y'all!

Just want to update events from past week (and today, of course)

On Saturday, only GP and Maths. It was not that bad except for a few questions.
Got a new Physics teacher today. The name's Joanne Goh, replacing our substitute teacher, Ms Michelle and she's from SMPW. I'll think she'll be a strict teacher, we'll just wait and see. We didn't study anything that day & she only give us exercise on formulas..
My diagnostic test for chemistry were ou and i got only 16 out of 71! (which makes me FAIL) Our Physics teacher said that we gonna have another test on Thursday. Hope that I'll not fail this time. have to study lorh!

On Sunday, nothing special happens. Just online and revising. And facebook-ing all day long.

Today, I got Physics and Chemist homework. no maths today (Yay!). Have PS in the afternoon, so I just did my homework and go online.

Oh yeah, I just finish watchin the new episode (season 4 Eps 15) of Supernatural. Finally! It's started to run again starting last week after a 1 month hiatus. It's titiled 'Death Takes A Holiday'. Its revolves around breaking the 66 Seals involving killing Reaper. i quite enjoy it, since I'm a huge fan =).

Also downloded new episode (Season 2 Eps 17) Of Gossip Girl ( also started last week after long hiatus) but I haven't got time to watch it yet.
The new season of Reaper also have started (one of my favs). I want to watch it but havent got time to download it ( and limited hard disk space, Damn! xp) Maybe I'll start downloading it at this weekend.

I found some disturbing yet funny pictures of Goon Geum & Yoon Geum. if u wanna check it out, you can click it HERE

Boys Before Flower Episode 20 will be aired today! I totally can't wait to watch it tomorrow. I'm lucky because I have no GP Class tomorrow, so I can watch it terus after school. Aha
Gossip Girl also will be aired today but sadly no Heroes this week since they taking a break for this week (Boo!) Just have to wait lah!

Startng next week is a 1 week SCHOOL HOLIDAY! Hope that the tutors will not give any homework for holiday... To all the Pre-U1s that have homework, just do it la (jgn marah aha) sama jua minggu dapn cuti, buleh relax, aha


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