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Orientation: Day 1 & 2

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Hey y'all!

Pre-U starts yesterday. I was really looking forward for this day. I saw lots of my friends. During the first day, I gotta say it was really boring! The dewan is sooo hot, pi ku bawa besabar. There's a lot of talk on the first day, so i was totally sleepy PLUS leg cramp, haha

On the otherhand, today, the second day of the orientation, is not so bad. In the mornings, there are still talks and a spot check was conducted. In the afternoon, it was fun. We were divided into groups of 20. mine is apam balik (i don't noe what's that, urg Brunei ja, aha) Gotta noe few people and we play fun games (for communication, teamwork and friendship) The last game we play was explorace. we gotta run all over the school to go to the checkpoints. Overall, the whole day was tiring but fun.

Anyway, rite now i'm waiting for my Heroes download to complete. To the people out there, please SEED!
Hope that BBF will broadcast tomorrow. I can't wait!


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