Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Hey y'all!

Countdown to 1st term school holiday: 3 DAYS! (Yay!)

Chem, Physics & Maths got hmk. Chem got LOTS, physics and maths only 2-3 qns. About 22 LONG structured qns.
I think i'm going crazy later, aha

Olready watch BBF eps 20. Tatally lurve this eps! It's getting more exciting.
JanDi make a lot of cute scenes especially when she's in her maid oufit. Aha
I think we'll see the conclusion of BBF soon.
A lot of spoilers leaked into the Internet. i forced myself NOT to read any of it since I don't wanna ruin the mood =)

Boring la no new Heroes eps today. Gossip Girl already up and Reaper's currently airing. i think i'll download it later.

Hope that i can finish my homework by today! Amin....


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