Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog! It's not much, just a simple way to express my feeling! ^_^

Yesterday, classes started (Goodbye Orientation!). I got a hard time finding my 1st class, which is maths. Rupa-rupanya my maths is hidden around the tech block. It took me forever to find it. I got classes with Safwan, Ikhsan, Wafiy and Shwu Tyng. I can't remember my math's teacher name... ahaha

My next period is PS. I felt really lonely since i all alone. Others do not have the same PS period as me. Finally I just hung out at the library. Let me tell you, the library got a really small collection books (Boo!) which is totally boring, but the tables are nice.

My next period is GP and the teacher is Hjh Ummi. he's really strict. I got the same group as Zul, Nisa, Zyan, QAqilah and Mira (my new friend).

My last period before lunch is Chemistry. I got a malay teacher called Cikgu Sharifah. I got the same group as Annie, Shwu tyng, Nasrin, Wafiy, haziq, and Angel.

My afternoon and the last period is Physics. The Physics teachers are not enough so my new teacher just a substitute one. I got the same group as Azim, Faiz, Angel, Mei Jun, Shwu Tyng, Dewi, Aizu, Ikhsan.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I think there will be an assembly (Gosh, I hate it!)


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