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Hey y'all!

Yesterday was really tiring... #.#

Well, not many homework given yesterday, only maths (-.-), and this time only took about 1 hour to do (more time to go online ^^) But that's not the tiring part.. I think around 1 o'clock, i went to bandar to attend the scholarship meeting at moe. It's a really longgggg journey, so i fell asleep on my way there. Arrived around 2.30 pm. There's not a lot of students there (11 only). i was informed that we are the last batch of students to be called for the briefing. They explain the details of the scholarship. I was really hoping that i would get the DANA scholarship but i got Bs in English and Malay (the requirement is A2) and my agg. also not enough so I was only entitle to get the Moe or teaching scholarship. I'm not interested to become a teacher (it's my passion once, but now different olready), so I might not submit the form.... I hope that my name will not be blacklist for future scholarships (now i'm betting on my A' Level, Hope that i get AAA, aha)

After the briefing, which took about one hour, me and my family go eat. after that we went shopping at the mall. i think i bought some stuffs. i bought a long-sleeved buttoned-shirt, a ring, a new pair of frame (glasses punya) and a memory card for my digi-cam (my current one rosak, wasting money saja!). and I also get to eat my favourite waffles. the mall's (food court) waffle is the best (my favs), so i bought chocolate and peanut butter flavoured one... Yummy! After the mall, we went to Giant. I didn't buy anything there, only some snacks.

I think we arrived home at about 11 pm. i went straight to sleep, aha


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